e10 Human Capital Management System

e10 HCM is an independent, stand-alone web based application that helps the Human Resource department of an organization to automate and streamline its daily processes. It enables the creation of comprehensive employee records to aggregate, manage and report on all employee related information during the complete lifespan of service (Pre-hire to Retirement) of the employee with the organization.

e10 HCM offers fully integrated functionality enabling HR and Payroll departments to simplify their daily tasks. Its broad set of features comfortably allows for Large, Medium and Small sized Organizations to manage their workforce efficiently and engagingly.

e10 HCM (India Specific) provides a comprehensive set of functionalities to address Human Resource Management needs of any Indian organization. e10 HCM system is a perfect platform for aligning the Recruitment, Employee Administration, Attendance & Payroll, Performance Appraisal, Training and Statutory compliance like PF, ESI, TDS calculations etc. Also the system provides the complete statutory reports like Income tax reports, PF reports and ESI reports for achieving the higher standards of Human Capital Management.

e10 HCM is also available in a localized flavor that caters to the specific needs of the Middle East Organizations. Middle East specific functionalities have been incorporated in the Employee administration and Payroll modules to help the users to work efficiently with the system in a manner that is more suited to their business environment.

Key highlights specifically for Middle East Organizations

  • Enhanced employee record fields to capture more details like multiple addresses, dependent information, country-specific civil identification, passport, visa, employment contract, work permit and residence permit (IQAMA) details.
  • Ability to manage Vacation Pay, General Organization of Social Insurance (GOSI).
  • Full and final settlement, employee rejoining and contract renewal options.
  • Employee document expiry notifications and reports.
  • Handling different type of accruals like leaves, gratuity, annual tickets, etc.
  • Defining gratuity based on the number of working days with a provision to set maximum limits.
  • Ability to manage different overtime calculations.
  • Ticket entitlement with ticket cost and destination details.
  • Document expiry notifications.
  • Country specific reports and dashboards.

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